All Secondary education articles
The fast guide to curriculum reviews
What outcomes to expect from reviews across the UK and Ireland
5 top tips for success with SQA assignments
Follow this expert advice to manage coursework effectively and guarantee learner outcomes
Combatting plastic pollution in class
Bring the fight against plastic pollution to your classroom with these hands-on resources from Common Seas
‘Gold’ coins on a microscale | 14–16 years
Practical experiment where learners produce ‘gold’ coins by electroplating a copper coin with zinc, includes follow-up worksheet
Hanukkah doughnuts: interpret practical instructions | 11–14 years
Worksheet on interpreting practical methods using a recipe format, a scientific method and integrated instructions
The science behind emergency oxygen
How chemistry provides oxygen for breathing in emergency situations
Teaching secondary chemistry, 3rd edition
From misconceptions to maths, this book is an essential resource
Backing a new baccalaureate
Is a broader, combined vocational and academic qualification a good idea?
RSC News
Supporting excellence in chemistry teaching in Scotland
How the RSC is collaborating with Education Scotland to support chemistry teachers
The challenges of managing behaviour in the chemistry lab
Take a look at the humorous side of everyday chemistry classroom shenanigans
Popping corn – or nuclear decay?
Try this idea when teaching unstable atoms and radioactivity
In my classroom
Be nosy – peek inside a fellow teacher’s chemistry lab
Curious about the day-to-day ins and outs of other chemistry classrooms? Here you go
Take a microscale approach to electrochemical cells
How you can use Petri dish galvanic cells to support learning about electricity
Analytical chemistry in Ireland
Worksheets, project-based learning tasks and contextualisation stories to develop a core understanding of analytical chemistry
‘I love teaching chemical bonding’
Meet Emma Owens, a chemistry teacher with a passion for curriculum design, after-school science clubs and learning from others
The fast guide to microscale practical work
Every chemistry teacher’s must-have guide to this no-fuss method for practical work
Escape the classroom: and try microscale chemistry
Escape room puzzles based on simple microscale reactions for students
Handing out the keys to language learning
Tips for introducing new vocabulary to your science students
Decolonising chemistry teaching and learning
Start a conversation in your school with these articles and tips