Review your learners’ understanding of key ideas, words and phrases for this key organic chemistry topic

This resource features three different versions of a worksheet on cracking: scaffolded, partially scaffolded and unscaffolded. Use the worksheets to identify learners’ knowledge gaps and misconceptions once you have taught this part of the curriculum. Find out more about how to use this resource  or download the worksheets below.

  • Index image cracking

    Download this

    Download the scaffolded, partially scaffolded and unscaffolded student worksheets.

    You will find model answers and more support in the teacher guidance.

Curriculum topics

These worksheets cover the following topics:

If learners successfully answer questions on these topics, they can attempt the extension questions. These cover:

  • the supply and demand of the different fractions from the fractional distillation of crude oil
  • reasons for cracking
  • producing smaller alkane molecules and alkenes from cracking
  • writing equations to represent cracking
  • catalytic and steam cracking.

If learners successfully answer questions on these topics, they can attempt the extension questions. This requires learners to compare the formulas and bonding in ethane and ethene and to use information to write equations for steam cracking reactions at different temperatures.

Independent learning and metacognition

The ‘What do I understand?’ page is common to all worksheets. Learners are encouraged to develop independent learning skills and can use their reflection as a guide for revision. The feedback will also help you to identify areas where a whole class needs attention.


The teacher guidance  provides model answers for all questions, plus guidance on learners’ common misconceptions. Learners can use the model answers to self- or peer assess. 

Additional support

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