All RSC Education articles in May 2011
The Mole
A day in the life of a research officer in cryogenic electron microscopy at NNNC: Chris Parmenter
Chris has been working in the Nottingham Nanotechnology and Nanoscience Centre (NNNC) at the University of Nottingham since November 2009. He talks to David Sait about his work
Scientists in Sport
More than 100 children from a range of schools across South London attended the launch of Scientists in Sport at King's College London
Meet the Universities
Meet the Universities (MTU) will be held at Salters' Hall in London on Saturday 2 July 2011
Syngenta unveil interactive periodic table
Syngenta has launched a free interactive chemistry resource
GSK to pay tuition fees
GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) has outlined new plans to encourage talented students graduating from UK universities
What is the evidence?
Students who carry out practical investigations are likely to be familiar with a few key principles
The effectiveness of mentoring
A small scale study into the effectiveness of mentoring in improving chemistry students' academic performance, was carried out by Jane Essex
Xenon dioxide
Simon Cotton takes a look at those compounds that find themselves in the news or relate to our everyday lives.
Demonstration videos and the human touch
Web watch: Tony Tooth looks at some websites that may be of interest to chemistry teachers
Trigonometry in chemistry
Tips for teaching maths skills to our future chemists, by Paul Yates of Keele University
Diamond Light Source: illuminating chemistry
Synchrotron light allows chemists to see within structures and individual atoms, without disrupting samples
Editorial - Quality chemistry education
Education in Chemistry welcomes Karen Ogilvie as its new editor
Study and communication skills for the chemical sciences
Alex Johnstone reviews this practical manual for students moving to higher education
Using catalyst magazine
Trever Critchley reviews this activites resource aimed at secondary students