All Space articles
Research reveals the asteroid that wiped out the dinosaurs
Isotopes help to identify the type of asteroid responsible for the catastrophic event that made dinosaurs extinct
Help learners understand Earth’s atmosphere
Stratospheric success guaranteed when you use this poster, fact sheet and resource with your 11–14 year-old learners
Lunar soil offers a promising catalyst
The Moon’s surface offers potential for ‘extraterrestrial photosynthesis’ to make oxygen, hydrogen and other fuels
Forming Earth’s ancient atmosphere from space dust
Uncover how sun-weathered asteroids could be the ancient source of Earth’s water
Meteorite chemistry
What is a meteorite made of? Studying the composition of meteors allows scientists to look back billions of years to before the birth of the solar system
Why you need A-level chemistry to study geology
Knowledge of chemistry topics such as isotopes, analytical techniques and earth science is essential for studying geology
Electrochemistry could secure astronauts oxygen on the Moon
Extracting oxygen and metals from moon rock may help build new lunar base
How silkworms can help astronauts
Silk fibres stay tough and ductile even at low temperatures, making them potentially perfect for space
'Astronauts wanted, no experience required'
Helen Sharman talks science, space travel and advice for budding astronauts
Water found in asteroid dust
Water detected in samples from an asteroid’s surface for the first time
Falcon 9 explosion: going up but not taking off
Ida Emilie Steinmark explores the aftermath of the launch vehicle explosion
To boldly go where no analytical instrument has gone before
Nina Notman meets the chemist behind the mass spectrometer onboard the Philae lander
Harry Kroto: a fond farewell
Nina Notman pays her respects to Harry Kroto, a co-discover of the buckyball
Space: science ideas webs
A web of suggested ideas for linking science with the topic space. You can learn history and science together with activities for different age groups.
On This Day - Dec 04 : Pioneer 10 closest to Jupiter
In 1973 Pioneer 10 flew closest to Jupiter. It was the first probe to image Jupiter and fly beyond the orbit of the furthest planet in the solar system. Part of its mission was to investigate the ratio of hydrogen to helium in the Jovian atmosphere. It also found evidence of helium in regions of space.