All articles by Jonathan Hare
The Mole
Trade secrets... Print your world
Secrets of the trade: Jonathan Hare gets hands-on with the 3D printing revolution
The Mole
Trade secrets... Explosive detection
Secrets of the trade: Jonathan Hare explores an alternative approach for detecting bombs called nuclear quadrupole resonance
The Mole
Trade secrets... Curdling of soya milk
Secrets of the trade: Jonathan Hare asks why soya milk tends to form hundreds of floating lumps when added to coffee
The Mole
Trade secrets... Neon lights, flicker bulbs and chaos
Secrets of the trade: Jonathan Hare shines a light on randomness
The Mole
Trade secrets... Polonium poisoning
Secrets of the trade: Polonium is almost impossible to obtain, so how was it used to poison a Russian spy? Jonathan Hare investigates the strange case of Alexander Litvinenko
The Mole
Trade secrets... making it rain
Secrets of the trade: How can we control the weather so it rains where we need it to? Jonathan Hare investigates cloud seeding
The Mole
Trade secrets... Helium balloons
Secrets of the trade: Where does the helium gas in a party balloon come from? Jonathan Hare finds out…
The Mole
Trade secrets... Piezoelectric crystals
Secrets of the trade: Gas lighters, mosquito bite relief and police sirens – Jonathan Hare explores piezo chemistry in action!
The Mole
Trade secrets... How to make a printed circuit board
Secrets of the trade: Jonathan Hare explores the chemistry behind your favourite gadgets
The Mole
Trade secrets... Bio or non-bio washing powder?
Secrets of the trade: Jonathan Hare looks at the science of getting your clothes clean
The Mole
Trade secrets... Keeping fruit fresher for longer
Secrets of the trade: Jonathan Hare investigates how to stop his bananas from going off
The Mole
Trade secrets... Skateboarding
Secrets of the trade: Jonathan Hare investigates how chemistry revolutionised the sport
The Mole
Breaking Bad IV – can a little crystal blow up a room?
On screen chemistry with Jonathan Hare