All RSC Education articles in May 2007
Rate of reaction
To inform approaches to teaching about chemical change researchers from the UK and Turkey have studied young people's understanding of reaction rate
Making triazoles, the green way
Triazole synthesis provides an excellent example of a reaction that has the potential to illustrate principles of green chemistry to undergraduates
Science minister hears voice of the future
Science minister Malcolm Wicks and members of the Science and Technology Select Committee discuss science issues with young scientists at the RSC's Voice of the Future event
RSC funding for research
Members (and non-member school teachers) can apply for grants of up to £2000 from the 2008 RSC Research Fund to support research or chemical education research
Who really discovered the Haber process?
Although Fritz Haber's name is now attached to the process for the synthesis of ammonia from its constituent elements by using high pressure, who was responsible for this reaction?
The Mole
A day in the life of a science teacher: James Oldham
For the past two years James Oldham has been teaching science at Holland Park School in West London. He talks to James Berressem about his typical day
Which chemistry course?
Selecting the right chemistry course and the right institution are paramount in a prospective chemist's life
US chemistry in question
Findings of a US National Research Council report suggest a problem of a sustainable supply of chemistry BScs will affect the future of US chemistry research
Fighting skin cancer with prodrugs
Prodrugs - selective chemical agents - are beginning to show potential as a cure for skin cancer
The Mole
Soap: can you make it with body fat and is there an explosive spin-off?
On screen chemistry with Jonathan Hare
Exhibition chemistry
Decomposing hydrogen peroxide with blood
Mixing hydrogen peroxide with blood to produce a foam explosive
Blue coat school wins top of the bench trophy
A team of students from the Blue Coat School, Liverpool, wins the final of the RSC's Top of the Bench national schools' competition