All RSC Education articles in July 2007
Silicon and silicones
Simon Cotton takes a look at those compounds that find themselves in the news or relate to our everyday lives
Inventors naming names
Peter Childs, University of Limerick, investigates words in chemistry.
Proteins' web of intrigue
Recent work by a German research group has helped to unravel the secrets of the spider's silk spinning success
Goodness, more wine?
UK-based studies suggest that an antioxidant found in red wine could have beneficial effects on health by reducing the risk of stroke and heart disease
Geckoman versus spiderman
According to research done in Italy, Spiderman could have some competition for wall space from a new sticky superhero
Teacher fellows go to university
From September seven school/college teachers will be working in chemistry departments in seven universities across England as part of the Chemistry for Our Future initiative
See-through electrodes and organic leds
Nanoimprint lithography brings organic light-emitting diodes (OLEDS) one step closer to giant tvs and solar panel applications
Investigating commercial sunscreens
Commercial sunscreens provide the basis of an industry-linked investigation suitable for students at various levels
Historical highlights in organoarsenic chemistry
Organoarsenic compounds have given insight into important theoretical topics in chemistry and proved to have beneficial pharmacological effects
Imperial College celebrates
RSC honours Nobel chemists Sir Derek Barton and Sir Geoffrey Wilkinson
STEM careers get boost
Government backs proposals for better careers advice for students, with the aim to encourage more students to continue to study science and maths post-16
Biographies of nobel chemists
Alan Dronsfield reviews this contribution to the history of chemistry
Experimenting with biodiesel
The synthesis of biodiesel is exploited to teach general chemistry principles and as a way of fostering a 'green conscience' within undergraduate chemistry students
Understanding our changing atmosphere
Research by chemists into the chemical processes occurring in the troposphere could help to predict the likely impacts of climate change upon atmospheric conditions
League table of alternative fuels
Scientists in Norway have drawn up a league table of alternative fuels for cars
Online A-level assessment
UK A-level chemistry students can improve their understanding of chemistry by tackling challenges set at the online chemistry assessment website, Bestchoice