All Diversity and inclusion articles
Use adaptive teaching to improve access and progress for SEN students
Read how microbarriers are getting in the way of your SEN students’ progress – and ideas for removing obstacles in four areas of need
Foster more diverse involvement in all science lessons
Understand the challenges faced by students with concealable or hidden characteristics to engage all your learners in classroom research
STEM is an attractive career prospect for young women and girls
The key is to use clever ways to get them engaged early
Making science teaching more inclusive
Let’s introduce more representative examples in our chemistry classrooms
Levelling up access to science careers
How collaboration between industry, science organisations and schools can raise learners’ aspirations
Why we should take a global view of education research
Kristy Turner spotlights unconscious bias in education research and encourages everyone to look beyond the obvious sources
Let science for all be our shared heritage
Arm BAH students with aspirations to become scientists
Striving for an inclusive curriculum
How inviting student participation can direct changes to STEM courses
A journey towards decolonisation in undergraduate chemistry curriculums
Find out how the University of York’s chemistry department is creating a more inclusive environment
‘Outreach is a really important way to boost young people’s access to science’
Meet Gill Reid, incoming RSC president, inorganic chemistry whizz and fervent supporter of young people in the chemical sciences
Learning about women chemists is an entitlement
The contributions of women to chemistry should be written into the core chemistry curriculums, says Helen Harden
Mind the (gender) gap
Can single-sex schools boost girls’ uptake of A-level STEM subjects?
Tackling gender equality in science
How to tackle gender equality and inspire a generation through science teaching
Advocating for race equity
How students at the University of Sussex are decolonising their own science education
Talking about decolonising the curriculum with scientists past and present
Imagine a select group of Black, Asian and minority ethnic scientists from history and today discussing the lack of representation in science
Decolonising chemistry teaching and learning
Start a conversation in your school with these articles and tips
Include students in decolonising the curriculum
Discover how Kingston University has worked alongside students to reduce the awarding gap
RSC News
The Highlighting Minorities in Chemistry project
Find out more about the Highlighting Minorities in Chemistry project, supported by the RSC’s Inclusion and Diversity Fund
Starting to decolonise science curriculums
How chemists at Queen Mary University of London are helping secondary school science teachers include the contributions of BAMEÂ scientists in their teaching