All articles by Nina Notman – Page 6
To boldly go where no analytical instrument has gone before
Nina Notman meets the chemist behind the mass spectrometer onboard the Philae lander
Harry Kroto: a fond farewell
Nina Notman pays her respects to Harry Kroto, a co-discover of the buckyball
Scaling new peaks
Nina Notman admires the plethora of different uses for the separation techniques known collectively as chromatography
Hydrogen falls apart under pressure
Nina Notman learns that the simplest element in the universe is actually quite complex when put under pressure
Breathing batteries for electric cars
Nina Notman discovers how air could power the transport of the future
Pluto goes under the spectroscope
Nina Notman probes the mission that is boldly going where no spacecraft has gone before
Nailing salon safety
Nina Notman digs her nails into the unsafe working conditions of the US manicure industry
Dual personality of light caught on camera
Is it a wave or is it a particle? We might know the answer, (Spoiler alert: it’s both!) but it is reassuring nonetheless to see the pictures that prove it, says Nina Notman
A comet starts to tell its watery tale
Nina Notman probes what measurements taken onboard the Rosetta spacecraft mean for our understanding of the origin of water on Earth
Faster, higher, stronger ... fairly
Nina Notman investigates the recent ban on athletes inhaling noble gases
Climate research heats up
Nina Notman meets some of the atmospheric chemists fitting the pieces of the climate change jigsaw together
Supporting diversity and encouraging inclusion
Positive role models are key to attracting a more diverse section of society to the chemical sciences.
Bark beetles eat Beatle’s memorial tree
Nina Notman discovers at how bark beetles are destroying pine trees at an alarming rate
Dutch roads smarten up
Nina Notman explores the possibility of interactive, sustainable highways
Chemists on the front line
The UK’s Defence Science and Technology Laboratory has a near century-long history of working with chemical weapons. Philip Robinson reports from Porton Down
Chemical weapon destruction takes float
Nina Notman’s thoughts turn to the chemists preparing to destroy Syria’s chemical arsenal at sea
Tubes and wet concrete don’t mix
Nina Notman ponders chemistry’s role in drying out the Victoria line after a concrete flood
Beating HIV with a nanosized stick
Nina Notman finds out how scientists at the University of Liverpool use nanomedicine to aid the successful treatment of HIV